The Book of Perfume, Elisabeth Barillé and Catherine Laroze, Flammarion, 1995
Coming to My Senses: A Story of Perfume, Pleasure, and an Unlikely Bride, Alyssa Harad, Viking, 2012
The Diary of a Nose, Jean-Claude Ellena, Rizzoli, 2013
The Emperor of Scent: A True Story of Perfume and Obsession, Chandler Burr, Random House, 2002
Essence and Alchemy: A Natural History of Perfume, Mandy Aftel, North Point Press, 2001, NYC
The Essence of Perfume, Roja Dove, Black Dog Press, 2010
The Foul and the Fragrant: Odor and the French Social Imagination, Alain Corbin, Harvard University Press, 1986, translated from the French by Anbier Montaigne, 1982
Jacobson’s Organ and the Remarkable Nature of Smell, Lyall Watson, Penguin, 1999, London
L’Herbier Parfumé: Histoires Humaines des Plantes à Parfum, Freddy Ghozland and Xavier Fernandez, Éditions Plume de carotte, Toulouse, 2010
mono.kultur journal, Issue #23 (scratch-and-sniff edition with interviews by Sissel Tolaas)
The H&R Book of Perfume, Understanding Fragrance, Origin, History, Development, Meaning, Julia Müller, English edition by Johnson Publications Lmtd., London, 1984, Verlags Gesellschaft R. Gloss & Co., Hamburg
The H&R Fragrance Guide, Feminine Notes, Fragrances on the International Market, Julia Müller and Brian Wilchek, English edition by Johnson Publications Lmtd., London, 1984, Verlags Gesellschaft R. Gloss & Co., Hamburg
The H&R Fragrance Guide, Fragrances on the International Market, 1995, Verlags Gesellschaft R. Gloss & Co., Hamburg
A Natural History of the Senses, Diane Ackerman, Vintage Books, 1991
Odoratus Sexualis: A Scientific and Literary Study of Sexual Scents and Erotic Perfumes, Iwan Bloch, University Press of the Pacific, Honolulu, reprinted from 1933
The Perfect Scent: A Year Inside the Perfume Industry in Paris and New York, Chandler Burr, Picador, 2007
Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin, Steffen Arctander, orig. published in Denmark, 1961. Acquired by Allured Publications 2000, Carol Stream, IL
Perfume Legends: French Feminine Fragrances, Michael Edwards, Published by Michael Edwards & Co. in association with HM Éditions Levallois, France 1996
The Perfume Lover, Denyse Beaulieu, 2012, HarperCollins London
Perfume: The Art and Science of Scent, Cathy Newman (a National Geographic book), National Geographic Society 1998
Perfumes: The Guide, Luca Turin and Tania Sanchez, Viking, 2008
Perfume: The Creation and Allure of Classic Fragrances, Susan Irvine, Crescent books, Avenel NJ 1995
Scent: The Mysterious and Essential Powers of Smell, Annick Le Guérer, translated from the French by Robert Miller, Kodansha International, NYC
The Scented Ape: The Biology and Culture of Human Odour, D. Michael Stoddart, Press Syndicate of the University Cambridge, NYC, 1990
The Secret of Scent: Adventures in Perfume and the Science of Smell, Luca Turin
The Smell Culture Reader, edited by Jim Drobnick, 2006, Berg, NYC and Oxford, UK
What the Nose Knows: The Science of Scent in Everyday Life, Avery Gilbert, Crown Publishing, 2008
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