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August 13, 2011



I find the naming and packaging of Kenzo fragrances so confusing I have hardly bothered with the line. Is Kenzo Summer a different fragrance to Parfum d'Ete? The bottles and names are similar. I'm pretty certain that Ca Sent Beau is a re-naming of Kenzo's first fragrance, just called Kenzo. But they also have a fragrance called 'Le Monde est Beau' in a bottle similar to Ca Sent Beau. Blah. Too hard.

Anyway, Parfum d'Ete does sound lovely. I don't like sweet stuff much either. Synthetic can be good if it is done confidently, with feeling!

I'm longing for summer; here it is February, February, February ...


Candied violet....yummy! As I am wearing my Calyx and Nocturnes during the summer I keep thinking that it would be nice to have yet another summer fragrance. Many have recommended Cristalle and Metal for the summer (yet to me these are winter fragrances) so I might give this one a whirl. I remember when it first came out and I thought to myself "what an interesting bottle" yet never proceeded to purchase it. Perhaps now I shall after this great review! And Anne, I think Kenzo Summer may very well be a flanker of Parfum d'Ete.


Anne- from what I could find out they are all different perfumes- Kenzo (1988), Kenzo Ca Sent Beau (1988) Kenzo D'Ete (1992) Kenzo Le Monde (1997) Kenzo Summer (2006). There is also Kenzo Ryoko Summer and several other Kenzos (Kenzo Vintage 2008, etc.). I think the d'ete may have been formulated because there are two different bottles for the same perfume.


Anne-Marie and Brigitte - I think Kenzo Summer is different from Kenzo's Parfum d'Été (which translates as Summer Perfume.)

I'm no marketing/advertising person, but the whole concept of flankers and endless versions of the same perfume baffle me. Isn't that diluting the brand somehow? (And diluting the perfume, too, come to think of it, of whatever made it special in the first place?)

But then again, we live in a world where a popular film can have a seemingly infinite number of sequels, so what do I know. I like singularity.


Thanks Barbara and Brigitte. The usual flanker-induced confusion seems to be worse at Kenzo. Perhaps, to be fair, in the 1980s they did not count on perfume discounters buying up old stock and selling it on the internet years after a name or bottle design have changed.

A friend told me yesterday that she had bought Jennifer Lopez's Glow as a gift for her daughter. I'd forgotten about Glow, but when I checked I was stunned by the number of flankers. Glow This and Glow That etc, on and on and on. Estee Lauder may have the record, though, with all those Pleasures flankers.


merhaba kenzo d'ete bayan parfumu kutusu acık mavi üzerinde sarı renklı bır yuvarlak var. bu parfumden almak istiyorum nasıl alabilirim bana yardımcı olurmusunuz


Thanks to Google translate, mehmet, I can answer you. You can get this discontinued perfume on eBay. Good luck!

Jocelyn Red

I really enjoy this scent. It is sweet, better than most other colognes


Hi mehmet, I found some at www.thefragrancefactory.com
they had the perfume also. Go get you some!


Bought this for my wife as its what she was wearing when we first met. She was quite surprised when she smelled it after 13 years...They also have testers on parfum1.com.

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