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March 19, 2011


Anna in Edinburgh

Thanks for the chuckle (hairy chest merkin!) and the photo (Marlon Brando smouldering beautifully). What more could a girl want?

Happy, happy Anna in Edinburgh


Hi Anna. Good to hear from you! I got a chuckle myself from typing out "hairy chest merkin" and yes...no one but no one (with the exception of Paul Newman) was more beautiful than young Brando.


I once broke a sample vial of Knize Ten in my bathroom. For the three days this gorgeous scent lingered, I wanted to marry my bathroom.... Guess what I bought on my trip to Vienna!


Nice, dinazad! I mean, Knize. Very very Knize.

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I have a knize ten with the batch code ch.2268 and I am not sure how old it is! Does anyone have any suggestions.

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