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February 20, 2011


angie Cox

Love his dresses , I was just thinking "very Japanese" when I saw you comment they are very Origami.


Hi Angie. The dresses are amazing, aren't they? Given his design style, I wouldn't expect Yendi to be as understated as it is.


thanks to you i've had night-dreams about finding yendi and inoui in antique stores . . .


Hmmm, prpp. Is this a recrimination, or are you glad about it? ;-) Yendi is easy to find on eBay for relatively cheap. Inoui can be found, too, but it tends to be pricey. You can give it a shot by ordering a small vial from theperfumedcourt.com. Good luck!


Hm! I'm not sure this is my bag, but I like the advert and photos of the the dresses you've shared with us.... I've read on basenotes that this fragrance brings to mind Ivoire, which we have different appreciations of! But now I'm even more intrigued.... I can feel an ebay search coming on. Thanks for another most interesting post!


Hi Emma. It's got Ivoire's clean-but-interesting, almost soapy scent, yes, but it's definitely its own thing. The opening was really interesting, and my initial reaction was, "I've never smelled anything like this before... It started off "fizzy," which I loved. Give it a try just for the hell of it?


I want to add this on my perfume collection. A friend of mine is using this and I find the fragrance very interesting. However I don't want to have the same scent with my friend. Thank you for sharing your post.


One of my favorites perfume since I was 14 yrs old , is rare to find in store and is in my Christmas list . ,)

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