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October 03, 2010



Thanks for your series on these wonderful old Faberge fragrances. I love Tigress and I think your notes are right on. The development is wonderful--dryish and spicy. I can really wear this one. BTW,I agree about the ad with Lola in a tiger suit...beautiful, but sad too, from a sociological point of view. I like Woodhue also (and again, your notes make much sense to me) but it doesn't seem to last as well on me. I don't own Aphrodisia and don't know when I will but you never know, when collecting vintage frags. These vintage versions are definitely high-toned and on a par with Guerlain and Coty, IMHO. I am curious about another Faberge fragrance, Act IV, that I sometimes see. Any thoughts?


Enabler! The hunting begins!


Actually also forgot to say...I can't wait to hear more about Jean Carles. He seems to be behind many of these fantastic self-assured vintage (or should we say classic) fragrances.

Martina Rosenberg

Unfortunately Faberge is not available here in Germany, except the man's perfume "Brut". I will have to "hunt" in US, which makes it difficult :-) but not hopeless.
BTW - I was intrigued by YOUR Blog to create a new one in German ( with translation button, of course) - if you like visit me there:
http://duftreise.blogspot.com/ Thank you, kind regards, Martina


Decant # 3 - Tigress: opens with orange and clove, to my nose it resembles Constant Comment tea! A little later, a gorgeous but quiet spicy rose comes through, just lovely. I caught vanilla and cinnamon in drydown. Not particulary long lasting, just a whiff under my nightshirt when I awoke.


Just wanted to say I love your writing, but most of all love how you relish these vintage lovelies! my new fave blog for perfume knowledge enrichment. Tigress is one of my go-to's; and now I need to find Flambeau to try, thanks to your writeup on that one. Thanks for guessing on those unknown notes, I'm not as good at recognizing which notes blended to create ea fume's unique.. uh, song? =]


Hi lisaandtheword - thanks for liking the blog and letting me know! It's really gratifying to have a) readers b) readers who enjoy/learn from the writing and c) readers who let me know they enjoy Y's P! As for notes, I can only detect two or three at a time in perfume; the notes that I list on the blog generally come from books or other blogs. Thanks for stopping by, and if you get Flambeau, let us know what you think!

donna pasqualini

I need some help please and thank you. Brought up in the 50's and 60's my friends wore Faberge Tigress and I wore and love the Faberge that was green. Three were sold together, Tigress, Woodhue and my favorite the green one.. Do you know what the name of it was?


Hi Donna, Maybe Aphrodesia? I wrote about that, too. F Sharp? Maybe you can google Perfume Intelligence, and Faberge, and their list of perfumes will be something you recognize. Good luck!


I wore Tigress through the 70's and 80's. When I purchased a new bottle in the 80's, it had changed. Here I am 30 years later, still searching for a new fragrance that I can love as I did Tigress. I like Tresor, but cannot get Tigress out of my memory. Why oh why did they stop making the original?


Tigress was always my favorite. It stayed with you all day. Barbara Feldon of "Get Smart" also did a commercial. My second favorite from Faberge was Straw Hat. You could only buy it in the summertime but it was worth waiting for. The cap on this one was made of straw. Later they came out with a Straw Hat II that had a round green cap. I don't know if it was as good as the first Straw Hat which in my opinion was gorgeous.


Ive always wanted to try Straw Hat! Now I want to even more...

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